The Robotics Way

Cyclone's ddperf

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ddsperf is a tool for benchmarking Cyclone DDS communication. Its functionality is pretty narrow yet perfectly fits the tool’s purpose: publish and subscribe to messages sent within Cyclone + give statistics on that.

My experience with that tool was pretty short and was mostly about that issue.

I see myself never debugging DDS problems ever again using ddsperf for:

  1. debugging ROS2 communication. Luckily it is not often the case in ROS2 when you need to dig deeper in the DDS level, but sometimes it is the case: you do not receive messages/service calls you expect or you have a non-standard hardware configuration something doesn’t work. It may be a good option to reproduce a problem with ddsperf only if possible to narrow down the root cause.
  2. Curiosity. It is always fun to check what are the theoretical limits of your system from a networking perspective (what happens if you send a 100MB/1Gb message? or 1000 messages per second?). If it is not fun, than I do not know what is!